Tuesday 18 March 2014

My Poor Little Neglected Blog...

It seems that in my quest to soak up the last warm, sun filled summer days has meant that my humble little blog has fallen to the wayside. It wasn't intentional and I didn't even realise it had been so long since I posted until I checked my email this morning and seen a blog related email. My first reaction was 'F***, my blog!".
In amongst the last few weeks of afternoon drinks in the sun, family birthdays, work events and hour long walks along the coast, I seem to have forgotten my little corner of the internet. I'm not going to beat myself up about it, I don't regret taking a step back from the interwebs to enjoy time with some of my favourite people but I will jump back into blogging. I really do find this whole blog thing fun not to mention a creative outlet where I can unleash my thoughts on the world (insert evil laugh) - they may not always be succinct and may sometimes seem like the ramblings of a crazy cat lady but perhaps someone out there might be going through or feeling something similar. I know that when I read a blog post that is similar to something I am thinking or dealing with I have a little moment of 'YES! I'm not the only one". If I can give event just one person that moment I will be a happy lady.
So onwards and upwards for this little blog and its little band of lovely followers....
Much Love,
Jen Xx

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